Sunday, August 23, 2009

Up Next

T.A.G. members are at the Library today taking in the final entries for the Teen Summer Program. That means that next up is --

The party is open to ALL Ketchikan Teens
T.A.G. hopes to see YOU there!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This is it!
The FINAL Teen Summer Program Event of 2009!
Come and get your Punch Card punched, win Instant Gratification for full cards and comment cards, see who wins the August Drawing, watch movies & cartoons - all while enjoying snacks and beverages provided by Movie Gallery and the Friends of the Library!
T.A.G. hopes to see you there!
And just a reminder - the Teen Summer Program is OVER Sunday, August 23rd, so be sure to turn in your cards!! The Instant Gratification booth will be open Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. for those last minute turn ins!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Poetic Artistry!

Folks seemed to really enjoy creating all kinds of Artistic Poetry
at Art in the Afternoon!
It was great seeing everyone being so creative with just magazines and magnets!
The Teen Summer Program is nearly over - today is the last day to sign up,
and next Sunday is the FINAL DAY to turn in cards & comments.
But there is ONE MORE EVENT before it's all over,
come back SOON to see what it is!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Art in the Afternoon!

T.A.G. invites folks ages 10 and up to create a personal
Magnetic Poetry Set
for your locker or 'fridge!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Improv Night FUN!

Improv Night was so much FUN! Huge Thanks to Clare Bennett for sharing her talents with us and our guests!

There were tons of talented folks - or at least folks willing to play!

And it was such a big hit that T.A.G. may host another Improv Event this fall!

Next week there will be two Instant Gratification Booths the 10th from 6-8 p.m. and the 12th from 10-noon, so bring in your cards for PRIZES!
And the 15th is an Art in the Afternoon
Look for more information on that here soon!!