Monday, March 10, 2008

Jasmyne's Craft Blog

Yo, so I've been making sample sock things (say that nine times fast) and here I've been given the opportunity to show off the fruits of my labors. I started making these bad boys and girls when I learned of TAG's March craft--sock creatures! I wanted to see how long some of this fancier stuff took and just how easy some of the easier stuff was. Well, although the tougher stuff was pretty darn tough I did get some socks sewed, glued and cut.

The first sock creature I made was Gweneviere, originally from a book's outline and design for her. However, after five and a half plus hours of working on her, she really looks nothing like the book. But I was not discouraged and I like her anyways. Her head is very, very large due to me getting tired and not sewing on her legs! Mmm, but she's nice anyways, and for a first attempt I think she looks great. However, I doubt anyone will have the commitment and drive to make a Gweneviere of their own during the craft! She's made from two different socks.

The second sock I constructed was Father, with his stylish mustache and beady eyes. He took much less time and was in the end a funner experience. He's made from one long (over-the-elbow) sock. Also, sewn on to him was his rad 'stache.

My third sock creature thing was Shocked Salvador. A pink sock creature based off the concepts Gweneviere's book spoke of, he's sort of a extremely simplified Gweneviere. Honestly I think li'l Salvador could be constructed within the craft time allotted, but still had some sewing going on, so not really for li'l kids. Salvador is a single sock sewn.
My fourth and presently final sock friend is Mo, named for his faux feather mohawk. Mo is made from well, faux feathers, faux beads and a toddler sock! Constructed without ANY sewing within really only a few minutes, I think he's the most kid-friendly/oriented sock friend I've made. He's pretty swell.

Well, I know I've had fun making socks into friends. But remember kids, sewing usually means an occasional stabbing and I also got a lot of super glue on my hands and my skin couldn't breathe for like a day and a half. Not so sweet. In the end I'm happy with my tubilicious treacheries, and I hope this entices everyone to rev up and invite all their friends to the March craft on the 15th.

Or else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"tubilicious treacheries", Jasmyne? I love the way you write! And the way you make sock friends. It's inspiring.