Friday, April 4, 2008


Here is the second batch of READ posters by the T.A.G.! They are all turning out amazing. To see them "live" visit the reading room at the Ketchikan Public Library - upstairs. If we can get a few more done at the next meeting we should be able to put out a whole new batch before the end of the month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love them!!! Not so much the one of me... because it's me... you know... but i love ALISSA'S and AUTUMN'S to DEATH!!!
And i noticed that the word 'dreads' spells 'read' if you take off the first and last letters. I did a doubletake at first because I thought my poster said "DREADS" in big letters at the bottom instead of "READ".
They are fabulous, thank you kelly for making it happen. And thanks Alissa for finding that dread book. :D